Of what megalomania & narcissism is and is not





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I get it. I'm dealing with narcissists. Megalomania's first inclination is to blame the person who is a threat to them including calling the threat a narcissist, and even if it means gas lighting or worse, making argument stale; an unresolved issue. They don't fight fair. Well, I think the situation is obvious -

Wiktionary definition of 'narcissist'.

The following list is what people like and including myself are supposed to believe, but I guess I need to spell it out and say following list is blatantly unhealthy; the following list are lies, deceit, dishonesty, falsehoods except for text that is italicized -

1. If you don't like a high crime rate, you are a narcissist
2. If you do what you have to do in accordance with the laws in order to get by, you are narcissist
3. If you, to the best of your knowledge, follow the laws and standards of your physical location, you are a narcissist.
4. If you expect law enforcement, or the laws of your current physical location to be of the assistance of an innocent, you are a narcissist.
5. If you expect a written response to a formal written inquiry to a government office, you are narcissist
6. If you think people wish to remain healthy and disease free, you are a narcissist.
7. If you expect a respectable bedside manner when ill or even dying, you are a narcissist
8. If you expect tact in professional or business relationships, you are a narcissist.
9. If you are mourning, you are narcissist.
10. If you expect your psychotherapist to be honest with you, you are narcissist.
11. If you expect your psychotherapist to be understanding of a death in the family, you are a narcissist.
12. If you expect your psychotherapist, politician, partner, etc. to refrain from lunging at you or someone else like they want to fight, you are a narcissist.
13. If you expect someone is knowledgeable because they are in good repute and have a lot education / certification / etc., you are a narcissist.
14. If you speak, you are a narcissist.
15. If you care, you are narcissist
16. If you don't care, you are a narcissist
17. If you admit you cannot do or handle something physically, mentally, fiscally, you are a narcissist.
18. If you admit defeat, you are a narcissist.
19. If you don't wish to act trashy, you are narcissist.
20. If you run to someone who claims they're there for you to run to, you are a narcissist.
21. If you are not a risk-taker you are a narcissistic.
22. If you are unwell, you are a narcissist.
23. If you have no criminal record, you are a narcissist.
24. If you expect people to refrain from dragging you into an argument you do not lay claim to, you are a narcissist.
25. If you wish to establish or maintain boundaries or establish rapport, you are a narcissist.

26. If you think people are inherently good or humanitarian, you are a narcissist.

No, you aren't a narcissist. You are probably someone who would rather see the neutrality or beauty of the world, than it's wretched underbelly. Most people do. I do. Most people bank on being able to sleep safe and sound in their beds once a 24-hour period, go to work, school or other obligations in vehicles they trust are in good and safe working order on roads in good repair as or alongside drivers mindful of safety, to get an honest education, put in an honest days work for an honest days' pay, purchase food safe to eat, go to the trustworthy doctor who wants to not see us as they know we see them when we're sick, etc.

Everything that each of us does in order to survive banks on humans' humanitarianism. I would ask an obvious question at this point, but my opponent needs things spelled out for them - when things are not as we anticipate they should be or when the rules aren't adhered to, then we cannot perform obligations. If someone broke your arm, it may be difficult to write that essay. If someone battle rammed your perfectly parked car, and you try to drive to work or holiday in it, you are going to, at the very least, be pissed off and running late.

This happened to me for Christmas. It was my third car in one year due to no fault of my own. In Spring, someone was peeling rubber outside my house in a truck while my landlord was standing on my neighbor's porch with a beer. 50 feet of skid. I ran into someone's side yard as it appeared it was headed at me. I requested police patrol, explaining we have children, elderly and disabled people in the houses surrounding mine, but I didn't see any patrol car. The police station couldn't seem to get the accident report for the battle-ram-and-run correct either. I know it makes me sound like a Nazi, but humans bank on order. Not many living creature's like change, and nature is actually quite orderly. That tomato picked is one less baby plant according to the bush it came, the fish have to learn the new route of a rerouted river, the bears and wolves don't appreciate that new apartment complex, and humans don't like finding their car battle rammed.

Both religious (Bible, sagas, stories of the pantheon sets) and nonreligious stories (Sagas, Aesop, Chinese Fables etc.), aimed at all ages, dating back hundreds if not thousands of years, from across the globe. According to theory, were to establish good principles and adult critical thinking,  instill in us that most people are inherently good, and these stories offer ways, fictional or historical, to deal with those who aren't. Unfortunately, there are tactics that would rather attempt to prove these naïve, or narcissistic, or 'asking for it' or otherwise undesirable. I once worked as a Pre-K teacher's aide too. Those so adamantly and harmfully contrary to the norm hurt us all - and this is coming from a girl who often wears all black clothing even when there are no deaths; should I risk being rude and wear white to the memorial as wearing white is my abnormal? Nah, I do not want to be unanticipated or break the rules during bereavement; I would rather respect.

27. If you are not promiscuous, you are a narcissist.

This entire planet, especially the mental health industry, has a big problem with sexuality - homosexuality, heterosexuality, celibacy, promiscuity. The only real abnormals are rape, bestiality, infidelity, and home-wrecking. Promiscuity is a runner up because it is risky behavior.

Rather - its not a problem with sexuality; it is a problem with narcissism. Unlike and like some others' experiences, I was once told I was a lesbian. Um, nope, but there are some men that think I am because I don't like them in any way that I'd bed them, so thank you. There are other things I don't talk about as well, but this does not include that I was accused of being promiscuous in high school. The only reason I had more than one lover before I graduated is because the adults didn't agree with the relationship.

I've been celibate for over a decade. The way I feel about it, it's my twat therefore my terms and only my terms. Any self-respecting woman would agree. And any respecting partner would agree. If anyone followed this blog, they know I am rape survivor - unfortunately, this kind of stuff seems to happen more frequently to those who are enmeshed in the mental health system; it's a terrible known fact. I've also had skin issues, so I am self conscious. Do we need to add self-consciousness as a synonym of narcissism? Or how about modesty

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Good God - how many people have they done this to? *shakes head and cries* Is there any hope?

I suffer frequent bouts of brain fog, and really wonder what the hell they're from. The first link talks about fog.

I have posts in multiple locations that will automatically future publish in case of I go missing and anyone ever returns to humanitarianism or actual law. I shall disappear from their view and return in some undetermined amount of time of my choosing to see if I am still simply allegedly inherently wrong.

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